The International Homoeopathic Conference -2020 will be conducting exclusive Scientific Sessions to showcase the recent advances in research, case papers of academic interest, etc in the field of Homoeopathy.

Oral and Poster abstracts

The Scientific Committee of experts will review the abstracts submitted as per guidelines outlined below. The decisions of the Scientific Committee are final on all matters pertaining to the presentation and publication with regard to the Conference. The paper / Poster must only be submitted online at

General Recommendations

The title of the abstract should clearly indicate the subject of the research, the method and purpose of the study. If selected, it will also be the title of the presentation. The target group will be practitioners, planners, manufacturers, teachers, students and traders. Scientific abstracts should not be considered as a means to advertise products. The International Homoeopathic Conference - 2020 provides alternate opportunities for promotion of products through advertisement in souvenir and stalls . To submit abstracts and papers, use the online module by visiting Paper/ Poster submitted in any other mode will not be accepted. It is the responsibility of the authors that the papers are written in correct British English. The editors will not do any text editing or reformatting. All diagrams, pictures, tables and equations used in posters should be visible and readable. As conference proceedings will be available in digital form too, colours may be used in figures. Colour scheme should be gray scale convertible for black and white printouts. All submitted abstracts will be peer-reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Authors will be notified of abstract acceptance by e-mail. The last date for submission of Paper / Poster is 15th March,2020.

Format for Oral Presentations and Posters

All oral presentations will get 8 minutes followed by 2 minutes of discussion via the moderator. Outstanding submissions may be chosen for longer presentations. Submissions should be structured under the headings – Purpose, Methods, Results & Conclusion. This is applicable to all abstracts whether it is basic or clinical research including literary research works. Research is a process of asking a question and finding an answer by using a methodology to obtain findings. This process should be highlighted in the abstract. During the Congress, space will be available for poster exhibition.

Posters are graphic presentations of a scientific paper. The guidelines for oral abstracts are also applicable to the poster abstracts. The poster should then be submitted as a PDF file through online submission module at Last Date of submission : 15th March,2020

Publication of Paper/Poster

Only selected abstracts of both oral presentations and posters of authors who have registered shall be published in the Abstract book of the International Homoeopathic Conference - 2020. Some of selected ones will also additionally appear in the official journal of National Institute of Homoeopathy , Journal of Homoeopathy.